Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hello Blog World!

I have had this blog for some time now and just have never gotten around to figuring it all out. So, here I am attempting to create a blog that will keep my memories, struggles, and blessings organized and remembered. I look forward to sharing my life with those who are interested. Enjoy, or suffer through it! :)

My husband and I were sealed for time and eternity in the Los Angeles Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, on January 15, 2011. Many people speculate and judge me for getting married at 19 years old but I would do it over and over again (with the same man of course!). Being married is by far the most rewarding and sacred thing this world has to offer. My best friend, my hero, and my future baby daddy. :)

Our first year of marriage was defintely full of struggles! It's true when they say marriage is hard, but for different reasons than most expect. It was easy to adjust to each other's habits. The hard part was our bad luck streak! We are grateful for people who love us and who have sacrificed for us this past year. Thank you to everyone who has helped establish us as a couple, family, and for those of you who have been great friends in a time of need.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging :) Once you've Blogger for a year you can download with blurb and make it into a book, so you'll always have a copy!
